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2 posts tagged with "Ministry"

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2025-03-31 | March Report

· 2 min read
Anthony Frank
Site Owner


March is already coming super fast, I feel like just a week or so ago was the beginning of a new year. Youth Ministry has been working out well,I was able to meet a the family of one of the youths in my group. They share the gosepl in something called a Skoolie (Converted Bus to RV) and willbe in Melrose, FL until around the begining of April. This month has been a bunch of meetups with fellow Christians hanging out and just fellowshiping.

Ecclesiastes 7:2 King James Version
2 It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart.

Also, lost a dear brother Bill this month who will no doubt be with the Lord. I will miss him, but excited for him and glad he is no longer suffering. Just want to love on the family during the funeral at the end of this week. As a family we have been focusing on making sure all our ducks are in a row and we are packed and prepped for Brazil. I have practiced presenting the Gospel a few times in only Portuguese and feel pretty comfortable in a basic presentation.

In other news, after many years of searching Facebook Market place for a Shuttle Bus to buy one came up for sale that met all my pickyrequirements. So we bought it. I think it will open up missions in the future. The timing seemed weird but God knows what he is doing, and I sure don't.

2025-01-31 | January Report

· 3 min read
Anthony Frank
Site Owner


Youth Group

Started working in youth group for the first time after a reading a book called "Husband & Fathers" by Derek Prince ( and feeling conviction for the many teens who may not have that Christ-centered foundation in their home. So not sure what to expect or what that really looks like, but just thanking God for the opportunity to serve and hopefully plant some seeds in these young men's lives. We shall see what comes of it.


In other news, we are preparing to team up with the body of Christ down in Brazil. We have some members of the church that moved down to Brazil full-time to live and serve in a ministry capacity. Our family intends to try and help out wherever we can and just love on people. Not sure exactly what that looks like either, but I have the family learning some basic Portuguese for getting by. I am hoping to be able to hold a conversation in Portuguese by March. So I will be studying in my spare time for the next 2 months to see how fluent I can become. I would at least like to be able to present the Gospel without an interpreter.

India (Uppahar)

Got two letters recently from some people that are serving the Lord over in India. I cannot go into too much detail for safety reasons and the hostility over there, but despite many things they are both doing well. One is a gentleman around my age (give or take) who preaches to High Caste system as he comes from the same. Another is a teenager who has been displaced by violence against Christians in India, but he is doing well in school and overall. Praying for continued boldness and great harvest for the Kingdom of God. I have not written back to them as of writing this, which is another reason I am starting this blog. When friendships become international the post office is always nice, but a blog is a bit more consistent.

Gardening (Snow in Florida)

Well after looking at the cost of groceries last year, I decided to become a farmer... sort of. I was, however, pulling weeds out in the garden beds about 2 hours after I did the math of food cost. Wouldn't you know it that many of the things that can normally handle Florida cold died. Who knew it would snow in Florida? My beans I planted sure didn't.

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Technology Journey

In nerd news, for reasons I will not go into... I have had to quickly educate myself in Cyber Security defense and forensics with a bunch of White Hat Hacking stuff. Not the career path I was looking into, but it is useful.

My script kiddies (Library of Automation Scripts) have grown quite a bit as I have had to make more and more tools for both work and personal. Check it out if you wish.